- The Unified State Examination in information science for the first time will begin to carry out on computers - Softline helped SPBGASU to optimize educational process - The HSE created the neuronet determining character of the person by a selfie - Moscow will construct the innovation center "Mendeleyev's Valley". The first investments - 5 billion rubles - Trump selected $1 billion for 7 AI institutes and 5 centers of quantum computings - 4 years of university in 6 months. Google starts express training of IT - 120 thousand people entered the Russian medical college for the year - The Avtomatika concern provided robotic "hand" for mastering of robotics - The university of Utah paid the redemption in $457 thousand after the attack of a virus racketeer - HyperMethod helped NIU MGSU to organize holding remote examinations - Taimyr college began to work in EDMS "Etla" - X-Com подготовила audience of school of the Leningrad Region by the beginning of academic year - Softline equipped Kvantorium in Omsk with the equipment and the software - Softline carried out complex upgrade of a conference room for VNIKTI - TalentTech start online service of corporate training - Storytel provided a bot which helps to select audiobooks - The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications decided to prolong a 30% discount for electronic state services - Aerodisk opened training center based on RRC Innovation lab - In Technograd the branch of children's technopark Moscow opens - Buddy.ai entered the market of Latin America - Rosatom will print on the 3D-printer implants for a backbone - More than 2000 children's audiobooks from the Litres directory became available on the interactive platform of Rostelecom - "Shazam for spiders and snakes" is released. The application helps to define as far as they are dangerous - Rostec will transfer documents of Rospatent to "digit" |