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Science and education

Technology News by Month

This year
December ^

- Ukraine opens a cyberpolygon after Russia

- Neoflex together with SGU of Chernyshevsky open scientific laboratory for researches in data slicing pane and machine learning

- Rostec developed the minicomputer for a telecom and the industry

- Elittech and Gromvision equipped with the videowall the meeting room of the Volga region orthodox institute

- The Khabarovsk edge institute of development of education uses VKS of VideoMost

- The Ministry of Labor will create a control system of employment of graduates

- Lenovo and Intel became partners in creation of the Vienna Scientific Cluster-4 supercomputer

- X-Com завершил the project for development of IT infrastructure of Mikhaylovsky military artillery academy

- HP Inc. opened the first educational class in Russia

- IBM started the supercomputer which will create new PCs

- RKS creates an infrared radiometer for the ISS

- In Russia for the first time the fabric implant was printed during surgery

- X-Com scaled an information system of "The All-Russian Research Institute of the radio equipment"

November ^

- Delta Electronics provided a series linearly - interactive Amplon MX UPSes

- Russia started the Fitting Room of Professions online exercise machine

- VTB ensured the possibility of online tuition at the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University

- Softex equipped a conference room of the Tomsk agrarian college

- Xerox and the Moscow publishing and polygraphic college of I. Fyodorov will acquaint together students with polygraphic technologies

- Softline signed the cooperation agreement with Voronezhskiym the state agricultural university

- Cray and Fujitsu created the first-ever supercomputer on ARM processors with high-speed memory

- Sergey Solonin became the majority project owner of "The theory from Practicians"

- Elittech equipped with the videowall the conference hall of Kurchatov school

- Beltel implemented complete technical solution for online of distance learning at "The Russian institute of theater"

- 1C announced release of the digital version of the electronic manual "World Around, the 4th Class"

- "The state university of management" automated processes using DirectumRX

October ^

- H-Com scaled an information system of the St. Petersburg institute of nuclear physics of B.P. Konstantinov

- FORCE training center opened a branch in Yekaterinburg

- IBM opened high school at which will cultivate employees

- TerraTech developed virtual environment of assessment of forest resources for Roslesinforg

- Elar digitized ancient Buddhist manuscripts on palm leaves and other materials from Rerikhov fund

- Microsoft and IKOM of Russia will accelerate the innovative development of the Russian museums

- Abu Dhabi opens the first-ever university of artificial intelligence

- Schneider Electric constructed a data processing center for the Narkhoz university

- Instagram-inflyuenserov began to be trained at the university

- Lenovo and Intel provided Flatiron with computing powers for carrying out scientific research

- The first VR lessons passed in the Russian schools. What results of experiments?

- TAdviser Interview: Anthony Shvindt - about digitalization of the industry and management of it on the basis of data

- The Russian creators of acceleration programs train the Indian colleagues in Bangalore

- CyberPower released the new software of PowerPanel Business 4

- Provided to D-Link 16-port KVM-over-IP switches

- MSU opened a sculpture Link of times

- Lwcom developed the solution on the organization of WiFi network for a scientific expedition in the Arctic

September ^

- The university implemented a blockchain system for fight against counterfeit diplomas

- "Дом.ru" connected to the Internet boarding school in the Ryazan region

- Ruselectronics the "clever" designer developed for studying of Internet of Things

- "Education" implements at schools the digital Skyeng platform for studying of English

- Drones began to use for laying of a roof

- Russia created a system which shoots and mounts video

- Debut of Epson EB-L20000U

- "Automatic equipment" equipped with experimental Elbrus computers Kvantorium in Vologda

- Rostec created the modular Fisher supercomputer for the Russian Academy of Sciences

- In the St. Petersburg state institute of culture the planetary Elar scanner is delivered

- In Karelia will build network of data centers for 10 billion rubles

- Digital October and the DPO Track&Trace Center with assistance of TsRPT start the educational platform on goods marking

- "A genome the Expert" and BARS Group create the digital platform of genetic data

- Augmented reality was adapted for studying of languages. The application is released

- Germany invests 650 million euros in quantum computings. IBM in the project

- Yandex invests 5 billion rubles in training of IT specialists

- Rostec and the Singapore ITE approved the plan of creation of education center for innovations

- "Center 2M" taught to announce a neuronet snow drifts in the territory of schools

- In Moscow area opened IT college

- The Avtomatika concern prepared students for work on elections on September 8

August ^

- "The Terra of Those" and RTU of MIREA will cooperate in the field of implementation of virtual reality in educational process

- At institute of culture in Ulan-Ude will digitize musical editions using the equipment Elar

- Panasonic provided with the protected Toughbook notebooks a research expedition "Under a pole of III"

- Lanit Urals completed implementation of Astra Linux OS at "The Ural state economic university"

- MegaFon will be engaged in creation of a marketplace of educational content for schools of Russia

- Fujitsu Australia Limited received the contract for upgrade of the supercomputer at the state university of Australia

- X-Com upgraded an information system of Military Mechanical Institute

- TYUMGU bought the Smart PassportBox video scanners for acceleration of data processing of entrants

- The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications selected half a billion rubles for promoting of electronic state services

June ^

- Elarskana service students of the university in the Czech Republic

- "And + About Transproekt" delivered in NIPI TRTI a software package for transport modeling

- Neuromech developed a hardware and software system for training of children with the frustration of an autichesky range (FAR)

- The kraudsorsinogvy Mikroshkola project - the uniform free online textbook is submitted

- Ural Federal University and Siemens PLM Software will cooperate in area of engineering education

- In the Bulgarian Islamic academy the key stage of implementation of the digital platform of university started

January ^

- DeLight 2000 equipped with the multimedia equipment the Center of innovations of Education

- Novosibirsk overtook St. Petersburg in the world ranking of universities

- The IRIS and Volgogradnipimorneft signed the agreement on instrumentation and automated control systems activity

- "The North Caucasian federal university" increased efficiency of own vehicle fleet using the GLONASS/GPS

- ICKX Holding and Education will create the digital enterprise in the field of education

- YarGU of P.G. Demidov and 1C will be engaged in training for digital economy

- The Murom museum will digitize rare historical and art values using ELAR Planskan

- Profitproekt created the IC of formation of cards of key performance indicators of activity and monitoring for NIYaU MEPhI

May ^

- Elar installed the Elarskan scanner in Manniks Katolicheskogo library of theological college

- "Ashmanov and partners" advises ROC on work in social networks

- X-Com equipped educational audience of school of 601 St. Petersburg

- EU-leasing will develop a control system of blocking of the prohibited websites by search engines, anonymizers and VPN services

- 3DExperience from Dassault Systèmes will use for creation of digital model of Antikitersky mechanism

- "The Khabarovsk edge institute of development of a system of professional education" implemented Advanta project management system

- Elar supplied the scanning equipment to libraries of Kazakhstan

- Rostec provided a prototype of an interactive system for monitoring of a psychoemotional status of pupils

-  NEC implements face recognition system for revealing substitution of students at examinations

- As the Moscow parents solve problems of children using the IP telephony

- Singapore begins to issue diplomas through a blockchain

- R.Partner implemented an access control system at the Far state medical Eastern Federal University

April ^

- At the Vyatka state university the laboratory on cyber security opened

- In SRISA of RAS the precision Stulz CyberLab conditioner for cooling of the holographic lithographer is delivered

- Schneider Electric and Polar branch of Norilsk Nickel will equip with the educational equipment Competence center based on NGII

- Uzbekistan and Russia agreed about cooperation in radiation technologies and nuclear medicine

- The Chuvash republican library for children and young people is equipped with ELAR Planskan

- Selectel donated ITMO of 40 servers

- X-Com updated the park of the copy and printing equipment of the medical university in St. Petersburg

- The Samara university and Nanosoft agreed about use of domestic developments of the company in the field of a CAD

- "1C company" submitted version 3.0.9 of a configuration "E-learning. Corporate university"

- "The first Bit" increased efficiency of accounting activity in FITs of Biotechnology of RAS

- Karl Fabergé's college installed the multimedia equipment with the systems of a video conferencing

- School students wear smart bandages for monitoring attentiveness at lessons

March ^

- Programming became an obligatory subject from the fifth class at the Japanese schools

- Keysight Technologies presented the solution BenchVue Lab Management and Control

- SPBGEU will be engaged in preparation, retraining and advanced training of specialists for Siemens in Russia

- Stanford University started institute of artificial intelligence which was headed by the former top manager of Google

- Merlion and e.Queo started the program for implementation of a corporate system of training

- "Inzhinirium of MSTU of N.E. Bauman" begins cooperation with Moscow Zoo

- Microsoft showcases generator of images on the basis of works of art

- Lanit was equipped by a computer class at the Jewish university

- Rostec manufactured the frameless body for the EgyptSat-A satellite

February ^

- Softline equipped with the hi-tech equipment "Kvantorium" in Perm

- Fujitsu and Sony launch blockchain system which will tell employers the truth about education of applicants

- ELAR delivered the planetary scanner in the Ryazan regional universal scientific library of M. Gorky

- In 2018 "The total dictation" was written by more than 250 thousand people from 76 countries of the world

- In SPBGASU "LG Electronics Academy" opened

- Accenture will train school students in programming in children's technopark Kvantorium

- At schools there was AI technology free up parents and teachers from checking children’s maths homework

- MFC of TGU of G.R. Derzhavin installed an e-queue system Maxim

- X-Com implemented interactive educational technologies in Emercom of Russia educational institution

- The career navigator of Rostec will help school students to select a profession

- SPbSUT installed full-color the Xerox Color C60 CFM in the mini-printing house

- In the Digital School system over one million subscribers are registered

- Rostec provided the system of contactless identification for access to schools

- The IT startup of the Rusnano group received the first government contract on IT in 6.5 years of existence

- SAP Enable Now will simplify transition to the intellectual enterprise

- Schwab installed the new equipment in the Novosibirsk planetarium

- Microsoft purchased the platform for management of educational data

- The Cabinet of Ministers will select 6.8 billion rubles for recovery of the building of INION

January ^

- Samara National Research University and Rostelecom-Solar develop cybersecurity industry

- Microsoft provided a physical programming language for unseeing and visually impaired children

- In "The Nizhny Novgorod state historical and architectural memorial estate" it is set to Elarskan

- The Stroganovsky academy together with Dassault Systèmes will train the personnel in the field of engineering and industrial design

- DA IT Company completed transfer of IT infrastructure of OMGMU to Microsoft 365 cloud

- In Tomsk prepare for chipping of inhabitants

December ^

- The fund with the Russian founders of Altair Capital invests in Tappity EdTech-startup

- IBM will pay $24 million to U.S. authorities for imposing of IT services to schools at accomplishment of the state program

- "ITMO Haypark" received the positive decision of state examination on the basis of digital model

- Suffering from cancer breasts in a terminal stage recovered thanks to the advanced method

- The state university "Dubna" received the status of competence center Red Soft

- ActiveCloud helps the educational Robolab project to develop business online

- The Russian developer of children's applications IntellectoKids attracted $3 million

- Ruselectronics provided an end-to-end system of antibacterial protection of educational institutions

- The authorities of Japan selected $17 million for artificial intelligence for creation of strong married couples

- German Gref's son invested in service of the help with school tasks

- 2 thousand years will be required to digitize all fund "Leninki": the CEO of RGB Vadim Duda - about digital transformation of library

- On December 4 in Russia the day of information science is celebrated. History of this day - in video of TAdviser

- The Iranian scientist was killed from the weapon managed via the satellite

November ^

- The co-owner of DNS tries to get out of the pre-trial detention center of the director of institute of RAS, the arrested on criminal case about creation of the underwater robot

- Schools of Baltimore cancelled lessons because of the attack of a virus racketeer

- The Nizhny Tagil school No. 100 implements "P7 Office"

- The Brainly platform integrated 350 million users

- Google started the certificate of the specialist in machine learning

- SVFU started own digital platform of training in a cloud of MTS

- More than 5 thousand people were trained according to the KLIK-Intensiv program

- Softline equipped mobile technopark "Kvantorium 53" for children of the Novgorod region

- Alexey Vasilchuk invested in the physical and mathematical educational Part.A platform

- In Tambov will digitize Vyacheslav Grozdov's diaries

- Konica Minolta provided temperature monitoring of students and teachers of Polytechnic University

- Rutek will organize production of storage systems and data processing for network of the Arctic DPCs in Karelia

- The interactive workbook of Skysmart became available at Electronic school from BARS GROUP

- 20.5 million rubles will direct to project development for a "smart" transport network in Sverdlovsk region

- The club of entrepreneurs Kdengam placed the IT infrastructure in a cloud Technoserv

- Neoflex will develop a talent pool of IT specialists together with VGTU

- HyperMethod provided LMS of generation of a 5G

October ^

- IVA AVES was used during the meeting of the Council on the priority direction of the Strategy for the Scientific and Technological Development of Russia

- NORBIT implemented a digital ecosystem of the Center of the advancing professional training of Zabaykalsky Krai

- Simetra equipped SIBADI with the academic version of the software package PTV Vision Traffic Suite

- Softline implemented the system of a proktoring in TyumGU

- The Ministry of Finance of the USA imposed sanctions against the Russian scientific research institute, having accused him of cyber attacks to industrial facilities

- Spirit has deployed a VideoMost system in the VUNC Academy named after N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin

- CIA started division for researches a blockchain

- The scientific clinical center of precision and regenerative medicine of KFU implemented a management system for NeuroniQ queue

- "The institute of physics and high technologies" creates electronic archive of documents on the Etla platform

- Dassault Systèmes provided an educational initiative 3DExperience to Edu

- X-Com scaled an information system of Institute of history of material culture of RAS

- TPU together with Unigine developed the VR exercise machine for training of operators of chemical productions

- Bioinformation scientists of SPbSU created the new collector for reading genomes of microbic communities

- "Synergy" expanded application of the program for protection against information leaks

- In Sakha-polytechnical lyceum of the city of Yakutsk there began work a robot disinfector

September ^

- The Ankor education center uses the chat-bot for work with clients

- Digital certificates at schools of the USA are developed in Russia

- The audience of hybrid training of Viewsonic appeared at "The Christian university Zhong of Yuan"

- Softline took part in the organization of design of the plant for production of microbic protein from natural gas

- Google developed service according to the notification about earthquakes

- Two historic and cultural centers of the Czech republic received the planetary Elarskan scanners

- Softline equipped "The house of scientific collaboration" with the equipment and the software

- In Siberian Federal University the biometric system of face recognition from group of CST is implemented

- Maximum Education released big update of educational mobile app

- The Ministry of Education and Science told about tasks of the new director of digitalization

- Milner's fund invests in search of life in clouds of Venus

- The teacher and scientific RHTU Tarasova Natalia is awarded with a medal of the Order "For Merit to the Fatherland" of the II degree

- Lomberg organized two videowalls on EliteBoard equipment for URGPU

- Cloud4Y provided the cloud mail server to IMISP business school

- Beorg digitized questionnaires of employees of the Transport complex of Moscow

- РТКомм.РУ connected two rural libraries of the Rostov region to the high-speed satellite Internet

- Doctors began to use technologies of Medtronic for creation of 3D models of heart valves to prepare for transactions

- Softline upgraded a management system for accounts in SPBGASU

- TrueConf and Newtech implemented in the Turan university the video conference server for remote training

- Pavel Loutsker will be engaged in development of Daily Banking of Raiffeisenbank

- The St. Petersburg Polytechnic University implemented the module "the Compass: Payroll"

August ^

- The Unified State Examination in information science for the first time will begin to carry out on computers

- Softline helped SPBGASU to optimize educational process

- The HSE created the neuronet determining character of the person by a selfie

- Moscow will construct the innovation center "Mendeleyev's Valley". The first investments - 5 billion rubles

- Trump selected $1 billion for 7 AI institutes and 5 centers of quantum computings

- 4 years of university in 6 months. Google starts express training of IT

- 120 thousand people entered the Russian medical college for the year

- The Avtomatika concern provided robotic "hand" for mastering of robotics

- The university of Utah paid the redemption in $457 thousand after the attack of a virus racketeer

- HyperMethod helped NIU MGSU to organize holding remote examinations

- Taimyr college began to work in EDMS "Etla"

- X-Com подготовила audience of school of the Leningrad Region by the beginning of academic year

- Softline equipped Kvantorium in Omsk with the equipment and the software

- Softline carried out complex upgrade of a conference room for VNIKTI

- TalentTech start online service of corporate training

- Storytel provided a bot which helps to select audiobooks

- The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications decided to prolong a 30% discount for electronic state services

- Aerodisk opened training center based on RRC Innovation lab

- In Technograd the branch of children's technopark Moscow opens

- entered the market of Latin America

- Rosatom will print on the 3D-printer implants for a backbone

- More than 2000 children's audiobooks from the Litres directory became available on the interactive platform of Rostelecom

- "Shazam for spiders and snakes" is released. The application helps to define as far as they are dangerous

- Rostec will transfer documents of Rospatent to "digit"

June ^

- Softline became the partner of the Yaroslavl branch of Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of digital transformation

- Man & Technologies lab and VR Concept announced start of the training program for engineers and industrial designers in VR

- Creately started the solution for joint work in Russia

- The mobile RFID readers Chainway consider fixed assets at the Nazarbayev University

- Softline equipped the platform "Virtual and Augmented Reality" of the Omsk aviation college according to standards of Worldskills

- The chief researcher of the enterprise of Ruselectronics is 100 years old

- Universities of the South of Russia organized distance learning using cloud infrastructure of Rostelecom

- The project office of the national Education project passed to Directum RX

- Digital collections of Lyuben Karavelov library create using Elarskan

- Beeline Business attracts entrants in SPbPU, using artificial intelligence technologies

- "Education" and ICKX Holding develop a new format of textbooks with augmented reality

- mClouds provided cloud infrastructure for the organization of remote training of students of RGGU

- The Russian state hydrometeorological university at protection of final qualification works used IVA AVES-S

- "The institute of problems of an entrepreneurship" transferred processes to the Turbo of ERP

- Lenovo will provide the new supercomputer of network of the research organizations of Max Planck

- The solution VR Concept is used for a class of collective virtual reality based on VISh MEPhI

- The research institute of Migal Galilee uses applications of BIOVIA for development of vaccine against COVID-19

- Servye and the Autonomous University of Barcelona combine efforts in a Parkinson's disease research

- NexTouch developed the international educational online platform

- X-Com scaled information system RNIMU of N.I. Pirogov

- Signify expanded the UV-C portfolio of solutions for disinfection of air and surfaces

- G-Core Labs started Meet - universal service of video calls for business with free-rates

- BM Group "Factory of Innovations" provided the Immuno complex against distribution of COVID-19

- Liquid Cube was set in the Center of the advancing professional training of the Moscow region

- In St. Petersburg at Polytechnic University the institute of cyber security opened

- The University of California paid the redemption in $1 million after the attack of a virus racketeer

January ^

- The Ministry of Education and Science will equate startups to theses

- There were electronic deliveries of software solutions of 1C for the industry Education

- The smart handle duplicating the handwritten text in electronic went on sale

- NPP Zvezda implemented management of project production in the ERP system

- MTS BELGU helped to organize distance learning of students

- Simetra delivered SUSU of software for transport modeling

- For communication of teachers and parents of pupils invested $5 million in the application of the Ukrainian

- "BARS. Education" is integrated with a management system for a profinavigation Profilium

- For objects of SPbSU the equipment of security video surveillance will be purchased

- Who and as creates the Russian competitor of "Wikipedia" worth 2 billion rubles

- The bot with artificial intelligence was a part of selection committee of the St. Petersburg university

- In Kalmykia will digitize unique archives using the ELAR scanner

- Acron implements technologies of complex design and information modeling

- Students were allowed before surgeries in virtual reality

May ^

- ServicePipe will select computing powers to the international project on fight against a coronavirus pandemic

- Maximum Education started free service for preparation for the USE

- Crayon and Yandex. The cloud will be helped the Russian universities to be reduced to 90% of equipment costs

- Rosarkhiv opened access to electronic documents on World War II

- Onboard the ISS put the American biomedical 3D-printer into operation

- Nvidia provided the GPU accelerated Nvidia Jarvis framework

- Perm Polytechnic University started a network online magistracy on robotics

- Who and as can get the education paid with the state on digital economy in Russia

- Leta Capital invested in the platform for job analysis of educational institutions

- "Software product" provided a new intelligent system of examination of means of individualization

- In the USA demand squall on virtual nurses is observed

- "ROBBO" announced the recirculator for air disinfecting

April ^

- Red Soft authorized training center in Kursk

- In Ukraine started kindergarten online

- "The Croc Cloud services" helped MIEM Higher School of Economics National Research University to provide the continuity of educational process in the conditions of the self-isolation mode

- FORS Distribution offered distance learning

- Red Hat will take part in the innovation project of the pilotless sea researches MAS

- The SFU will create a neurotechnology platform for education quality improvement

- Microsoft starts "the planetary computer" for collecting, storage and data analysis about Earth status

- OCS started the training online platform for partners

- Digital Design held testing and maintenance of start of online lessons based on TrueConf at school No. 28 of Ivanovo

- Singapore prohibited to conduct school lessons through Zoom after their cracking

- Moscow launches the uniform portal with e-books from libraries

- Schools of New York refused Zoom VIDEOCONFERENCING service because of a concern of draining of data

- Ministry of Enlightenment of the Russian Federation launches online platform for distance learning of school students

- The Neuro Angel neuroservice will increase learning efficiency in MFYuA

- Selectel sent computing powers to the Folding@Home project for search of therapeutic means against a coronavirus

- Released BenQ the next generation of interactive panels for education

March ^

- ViewSonic offers educational institutions free distance learning for the period of a coronavirus pandemic

- MegaFon began production of own content for a marketplace "Megafon Education"

- Eset provides data protection in the Bashkir academy of public service and management at the Head of the Republic of Bashkortostan

- In Smolgu specialists of Galaktika remotely build a single digital platform of the university

- Softline helped to start the Russian-Tatar neural network machine translator of "Institute of applied semiotics of AN of Tatarstan"

- "Yandex. The lyceum" can be open in all regions until the end of the year

- How to support operability of DPC if key staff caught COVID-19 or sit on a quarantine

- Nvidia provides to researchers of COVID-19 free access to Parabricks

- Pacific State Medical University and Astra will teach domestic IT solutions in Primorye

- MTS selected superfast cloud resources for search of medicine for COVID-19 virus

- In Krasnodar will digitize works of art using Elarskan

- 1 million licenses "MyOffice Education" will deliver in educational institutions of the Republic of Cameroon

- Softline took part in creation of first Kvantorium in Primorye

- The educational audience of the St. Petersburg department of Mathematical institute of V.A. Steklov of RAS is equipped with the EliteBoard videowall

- "The Crimean Federal University" implements pilotless technologies

- Epam started a free online course on DevOps

- In Siberian Federal University Elar Planskan appeared

- The language application merges with an educational startup of

February ^

- MSU creates Institute of artificial intelligence. It was headed by Katerina Tikhonova

- Lomberg and Elittech equipped the Conference hall and Educational audience of the Kursk state medical university with the EliteBoard videowalls

- DSK-1 will build the modern hostel for NIYaU MEPhI

- DVFU and TerraTech will cooperate in area of implementation of educational VR technologies

- Russia begins to issue diplomas about the terminations of university in a blockchain

- Laboratory of knowledge brought neurotechnology service Neuro Angel into commercial operation

- Merck provided a cloud platform of resource management and the BrightLab tools

- Swarm64 presented the solution of Hybrid Transaction Acceleration Processing for acceleration of PostgreSQL DBMS

- BARS GROUP implemented the module of management of an organized power supply of school students in the Lipetsk region

- Linuks-Format began process of selection of the production site and collecting of requests for the preorder of the neurodesigner

- Texel delivered 3D - scanners to South Korea and the UAE

- X-Com equipped audiences of MSU educational scientific center

- MIPT solved the problem of generating far-infrared laser radiation in semiconductor structures

January ^

- The Samara region will develop digital projects in the space and medical sphere

- Softline supplied the innovation equipment for the Tyumen school students

- Technologies of Depo Computers became a basis for creation of laboratories of Research Center RTU MIREA

- Elarskan will help with preserving and development of the Evenki culture and language

- Cloud4Y transferred VNIRO to the protected "FZ-152 Cloud"

- "The university 20.35" started a show-window of diagnostic tools for the students

- Alfa-Bank will train in a year 20 thousand employees using neurographics and playback-theater

- "The St. Petersburg state institute of psychology and social work" implemented the intranet portal

- Modum Lab will develop the educational platform for school students

- The Latvian school Exupery bought Robbo equipment for opening of a class of robotics

- GENCI and Atos announced installation of the first BullSequana XH2000 supercomputer on AMD processors

- 1C provided mobile application "1C: Professional Exercise machine" for Android

- The small company bypassed Rostelecom and MTS on the tender for creation of the BigData-platform for management of schools

- Giproniiaviaprom implemented BIM technology in process of creation of construction objects

November ^

- Profil24 contact center in Germany transferred customer service to Naumen platform

September ^

- Naumen solutions optimized the client service of the outsourcing contact center Kuck & Schmidt in Germany

- MedInvest Group automated patient care based on Naumen platform

August ^

- First stage of creation of University quantum network completed

June ^

- Softline equipped the Quantorium of Elista

- Norilsk Nickel will introduce Examus technology into the corporate training and testing system

January ^

- HPC system expanded at Leibniz Supercomputer Center

April ^

- Robot "Nikolai," created on the basis of voice technologies BSS, conducted "Total dictation"

- Students of Tomsk Polytechnic will study robotics on Promobot robots

- Enlightenment has created an interactive collaborative environment with Cisco Webex

- Elar will create a technological platform for Total Dictation in Moscow and Novosibirsk

March ^

- X-Com equipped a number of UGATU classrooms with computers

- "Akronis Data Protection" ensures the security of the infrastructure of "Petrovsky College"

February ^

- A hadron therapy center for the treatment of cancer is being created at Moscow State University. Hitachi equipment will be delivered there

- In Russia the social initiative of Pronavyka is started

- Kraftway opened an IT Polygon at "The Bauman engineering school No. 1580"

- Singapore NSHC Training Center uses Solar appScreener during practice-oriented training

- Like Center manages finances with 1C-Rarus: Financial Management 3

- In "The Stavropol state agricultural university" the biometric system of face recognition from CST is implemented

- RTP Global of Leonid Boguslavsky invested in Newton School EdTech-startup

- The Lenovo ThinkSystem servers will become a reference platform of the powerful supercomputer

- Putin started the neutron reactor, most powerful in the world

- The British government selected $1 billion for creation of the agency on studying of the latest technologies

- The service of employment founded by Russians and Ukrainians in the field of IT of Careerist attracted $1.25 million

January ^

- TransTeleCom installed the thermovision equipment at the Samara school No. 41

- X-Com scaled the park of the client equipment for Institute of astronomy of RAS

- The Voronezh students will study "Red OS"

- VisionLabs and "Electronic platforms" developed a product for confirmation of the identity of the student

- oddy and Acer will free of charge teach to program children with features of development and from orphanages

- The first resident went public Skolkovo

- The international college Ithubprisoyedinilsya to the educational project of Astra college

- Minprosveshcheniya and Mintsifra developed the standard of "digital school"

- Mishustin approved the program of basic scientific research for 2.1 trillion rubles

December ^

- Astral increased coverage of trained employees and partners from 1,000 to 14,000

- Softline conducted a survey of the AWS of the Ural Federal University

- "1C: Museum" helps "Museum of the History of Money" to receive more visitors

- Yaroslavl Radio Plant and YAGTU will cooperate in the field of engineering personnel training

November ^

- X-Com delivered 260 self-produced computers to North Caucasus Federal University

October ^

- Russia will train Syrian IT specialists

- Rosatom and KGEU will jointly prepare digital personnel for nuclear power

September ^

- Cyclotron complex in Thailand is being built according to the Russian project

- "Elar" digitized objects of traditional culture of the peoples of the Arctic

- Engineering Center of Samara University named after Korolev will use domestic engineering software

August ^

- Geekspace launched an applicant's personal account for the Altai Academy of Hospitality

June ^

- Library named after N.A. Nekrasov digitizes its funds at ElarSkan

- How to engage in digitalization in the new reality? Overview of the main reports of TAdviser SummIT 2022

January ^

- R-Vision and MGLU organized joint academic and scientific events

- SberMarket accelerated the work of the contact center using the NAUMEN product ecosystem

- The works of Friedrich Schiller from the collection of the Romanov house will be digitized at ElarSkan

May ^

- Mishustin instructed to conduct automated quality monitoring of all public services

April ^

- At the RSUH, future documentary scholars and archivists are studying the Delo system from the EOS

- Explana Research Laboratory advises patients using the Naumen Contact Center cloud platform SaaS

February ^

- Creditcall moved to Naumen Cloud Contact Center

January ^

- The Central Library of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences continued to equip with Elar scanners

- The unified contact center of the Rigla pharmacy chain united about 6 thousand pharmacies using Naumen technologies

December ^

- In the Stavropol Territory completed the construction of the center of agrobiotechnologies

- Unique Russian 11-axis robotic manipulator for welding switched to domestic software

November ^

- More than 5 billion rubles are allocated for the renovation of the Cosmonaut Training Center

October ^

- The Ministry of Education and Science has launched grant support for centers developing world-class technologies. They will receive 1.8 billion rubles

- Institute of Design Problems in Microelectronics Joins Kurchatov Institute

- Siberian Federal University and Apple conclude strategic partnership agreement

September ^

- "Zyfra" begins cooperation with Kuzbass State Technical University

- Samolet Group opens a single digital contact center in Lipetsk

- X-Com equipped the PGUPS audience

August ^

- A new supercomputer has been launched at Moscow State University

- Dodo Pizza accelerates hotline after moving to Naumen Contact Center SaaS

- VK has increased its share in the Tetrika online school to 90% and will combine it with the Uch.Doma platform.

- "Elar" digitized the correspondence of his son and grandson Repin

- Nanotaturing has been developed to continuously control human cells. It will help detect cancer at the earliest stage

- "Sberbank Eapteka has improved its customer experience using the Naumen Contact Center SaaS cloud platform

June ^

- Ostrovsky's plays were translated into figures

January ^

- The Institute of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences received 2.5 billion rubles for the creation of nuclear fuel processing technology

May ^

- "Elar" digitized one of the oldest newspapers in St. Petersburg

- Ugra State University launched an educational tracker based on the Visiology platform

- Russian supercomputer developer placed under house arrest on extremist financing charges

March ^

- Deliveries of the first Russian composite materials for dental products began

- Absolut Bank has completed a project to implement the Naumen Contact Center platform

February ^

- Inventive Retail Group has transferred remote customer service to the Naumen Contact Center SaaS platform

January ^

- More than 300 drone operators will be trained in Yakutia in 2023

- Ural Bank for Reconstruction and Development began to serve customers even faster with the help of Naumen solutions

- Reply optimized operating costs of outsourcing projects with Naumen Contact Center SaaS

November ^

- Russians abroad will have access to electronic public services in Russia. So far as an experiment

October ^

- "Unified Operator" and SSU will develop personnel for the digitalization of the transport industry

- Kirill Semenikhin appointed Director for Corporate Training Development and GR Innostage

September ^

- Perm medical university sued millions of rubles for the incomplete reconstruction of the emergency building

- Contact center "Rosgosstrakh" switched to Naumen

- The supporting university "Technopolice Moscow" built a center for the production of chips and electronics

- Educational and production cluster "Radioelectronics" opened in Ulyanovsk

- Bosch Contact Center in Russia and the CIS has optimized service based on the Naumen cloud platform

August ^

- The working hours of Russians reached a maximum in 11 years

- The former deputy head of the Ministry for the Development of the Russian Far East became the CEO of agricultural holding "Small"

- Drones have begun exploring disaster sites. Video

- Novocherkassk Higher Military Command School of Communications opens in Rostov region

- FASP Contact Center increased gross profit and throughput using Naumen technologies

June ^

- The number of self-employed in Moscow exceeded 1.7 million

- Book monuments in foreign languages ​ ​ digitized in Tula

- Former Deputy Minister of Communications Aleksei Soldatov was sentenced to two years in prison in the case of "theft of IP addresses"

- Books of the 19th century and newspapers of post-war Leningrad were digitized in St. Petersburg

- The world's first lasers based on hollow light guides have been created in Russia. They will help create chips

January ^

- 26.9 million people are employed in small and medium-sized businesses in Russia

May ^

- "First Bit" automated the accounting of the number of rooms in the hostel of the "Eastern Mining Company" on Sakhalin

- Small nanolaser for ultra-compact chips developed

- In which regions of the Russian Federation most of all individual entrepreneurs

- 1C-Rarus automated the accounting of a contingent of 54 institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Education of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

- Geoskan and St. Petersburg University of the State Fire Service EMERCOM of Russia will cooperate in training unmanned technologies

April ^

- Yandex and Moscow State University will train specialists in media communications with skills in working with generative neural networks

March ^

- MSTU named after Bauman announced the launch of the production of quantum processors for supercomputers

February ^

- Tetrika Online School Moves Telemarketing to Naumen Contact Center SaaS

January ^

- The head of the "Private Investor Academy," who promised to teach how to earn on cryptocurrency, received a term for fraud

- What did you remember 2023. Main results and trends. Opinions of key IT market players